Mapping of CBRN Risks in the Context of the EU

This report titled Integrated Directory on the CBRN Risk Spectrum examines the types of CBRN risks and CBRN risk trajectories. The types of CBRN risks of relevance to the EU CBRN policy context are analysed in terms of perceptions, sources, and factors. CBRN risk trajectories are analysed in terms of the impact of CBRN-related scientific and technological advances, as well as the different stages of a CBRN deliberate incident from its inception to the conducting of an attack. The report acknowledges that the CBRN risk spectrum is wide and that the trajectories of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear risks may manifest differently. The prioritisation of a risk assessment that is performed with appropriate tools is essential for strengthening regional, national, and international preparedness and assigning appropriate roles when faced with CBRN risks of any type.

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