EC: First Security Union Progress Report Released

The report notes the extension by one year of the sanctions regime which allows the EU to impose restrictive measures on persons and entities involved in the development and use of chemical weapons. On 14 October 2020 the Council of the EU adopted restrictive measures against six individuals and one entity involved in the assassination attempt on Alexei Navalny, who was poisoned with a toxic nerve agent of the “Novichok” group on 20 August 2020 in Russia.

In the beginning of 2020 the Commission, in cooperation with national experts, established a list of high risk chemicals of concern. This was the basis for engagement with equipment manufacturers with a view to improve detection capabilities. Recently, the Commission launched a study into the feasibility of restricting access to some of these chemicals. Work is also ongoing as part of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism, and additional CBRN response capacities are being discussed with Member States in the fields of Decontamination, Detection, Surveillance and Monitoring, as well as stockpiling.

The report is available here.

Source: European Commission

Image: Pixabay