IAEA: Security of Radioactive Material in Transport
In 2020, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) published an Implementing Guide titled ‘Security of Radioactive Material in Transport’. The publication is intended to facilitate the establishment of an internationally consistent approach to security of radioactive material in transport in States by providing guidance on how to establish and maintain the elements of the nuclear security regime relating to the transport of radioactive material. It further seeks to assist shippers, carriers and others with transport security responsibilities in designing their security systems.
The Guide applies to the security of packages containing radioactive material that could cause unacceptable radiological consequences if used in a malicious act during international and domestic transport. It also describes arrangements and measures to locate and recover lost, missing or stolen radioactive material.
The Guide takes into account the robust international framework of guidance on the international transportation of dangerous goods, including radioactive material that is set out by the United Nations (UN) Model Regulations. In addition, the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its Amendment provide an international framework for ensuring the physical protection of nuclear material used for peaceful purposes, including while in international transport.
The Guide is available here.
Source: IAEA
Image: Pixabay